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Clinical and Oncological Profile of Patients Undergoing Microwave Ablation for Renal Neoplasms and Solitary Kidney: Before and After Treatment.


INTRODUCTION: Renal neoplasms are on the rise globally, accounting for 3% of malignancies in adults. In patients with a single kidney, a less invasive therapeutic approach is crucial to preserve renal function and quality of life. This study aims to describe the clinical and oncological profile of patients undergoing microwave thermal ablation. It is expected that this profile will include patients over 65 years old, with contraindications to more invasive methods, and tumors confined to the kidney, without lymph node or metastatic spread. Results would demonstrate complete tumor ablation and satisfactory survival rates, prioritizing nephron preservation. METHODOLOGY: A literature review was conducted using databases such as PubMed, Scielo, Virtual Health Library, and CAPES Journals, covering the period from 01/01/2013 to 31/01/2024. The search included studies in English and/or Portuguese on microwave ablation in patients with renal cell tumors in a single kidney. Keywords such as "Ablation Techniques," "Microwave Ablation," "Renal Neoplasms," "Renal Cell Carcinoma," and "Single Kidney" were used for a comprehensive search. The selected articles met the established inclusion criteria without title repetition. RESULTS: Out of 157 results, 12 were fully read, of which 5 were used in this review. Patients undergoing microwave ablation were predominantly male, aged between 46 and 58 years, with tumors predominantly in stage T1a, with a diameter below 4 cm, and mainly clear cell carcinoma type, exophytic or intraparenchymal. Renal function was monitored without significant changes after the procedure, with no need for dialysis. Ablation, guided by ultrasound or computed tomography, succeeded in one or two sessions, with a low complication rate and overall survival rates ranging from 85.7% to 100%, without local recurrence of most tumors. These studies delineated the profile of patients with a single kidney and renal neoplasms undergoing microwave ablation. CONCLUSION: The results detailed the initial hypothesis regarding tumor histology, location, and staging, renal function, and patient survival, as well as clarifying the demographic profile. This review can aid in choosing less invasive and safer therapeutic approaches for patients with similar characteristics. Study limitations are attributed to low sampling and the use of only free articles.


Câncer de Rim


Unifap- Universidade Federal do Amapá - Amapá - Brasil
