

Joël Drevet received his Ph.D. degree in Cell Biology/Genetics & Immunology from the Université Claude Bernard (Lyon1, France) in 1989. From 1990 till 1993, Drevet spent four years at the Health Science Centre, the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada) as a Postdoctoral Fellow (1990-1991) and a Research Associate (1992-1993). In September 1993, Drevet was hired Assistant-Professor at the Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand, France). In 1998, he moved-up to a full Professor position and started his own research group in the field of Mammalian Reproductive Physiology. Since 1998 and up to now his research team is supported by the French National Research Council (CNRS). From 2008 to 2020 the team was also supported by the French Medical Research Council (INSERM).